The World Egg Bank Safety Measures During COVID 19 Corona Virus

What TWEB Is Doing To Stay Safe

The world is a crazy place right now. From murder hornets, to wildfires, to a world-wide pandemic, things are undeniably scary. The World Egg Bank understands, and we are taking every precaution possible to ensure the safety of our staff and donors. We want our donors to feel comfortable while donating, so here are the…

Why People Need Egg Donors

When talking to Intended Parents who are struggling to start their family, we often hear how having afamily is something they didn’t think twice about in their prior years. It is very often assumed thathaving a family will just happen. What most people don’t realize is it is not always that easy. One in eightpeople…

foods to eat while cycling to be an egg donor

Foods To Eat While Cycling

Did you know that the food you eat can actually impact your fertility? It’s true, certain foods can boost your fertility, while others can diminish it. So what are the food do’s and dont’s of cycling? Do Fill half your plate with fresh fruits and vegetables. Antioxidant-rich foods are vital. Eat more whole foods. Consume…

Making Money During COVID19


Out of work and don’t know what to do?  Begin your journey to $3,000 – $6,000 from the comfort of your own home! Just because the world seems to be paused right now, doesn’t mean that your income needs to be. The World Egg bank is still open and ready for you! It all starts by logging on to…

egg donation research at the world egg bank

We Do Our Research, So Should You

At The World Egg Bank, we put our donors and recipients first by using science and proven data to shape our protocols and procedures.  Our donor stimulation protocols, oocyte vitrification technique, shipping procedures and all related technical and operational systems are closely monitored to guarantee the best outcome for both our donors and recipients.  The…